
您是否厌倦了那些不符合您需求的旧地图制作网站? Midjourney 就是您的不二之选!作为一个创新且独特的平台,Midjourney 致力于创建会说您的语言的地图。
Are you tired of the same old map-making websites that just don’t fit your needs? Look no further than Midjourney! As an innovative and unique platform, Midjourney strives to create maps that speak your language.

Midjourney目前正处于盲盒开箱阶段。你可能会问,这是什么意思?好吧,Midjourney 允许用户购买包含不同物品的盒子,例如产品或折扣。听起来很刺激,不是吗?那么,为什么不尝试一下,看看您能发现什么?
Midjourney is currently in its blind box opening stage. What does that mean, you may ask? Well, Midjourney is allowing users to purchase boxes that contain different items, such as products or discounts. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? So why not give it a try and see what you can discover?

现在,让我们谈谈最新版本 v5。 Midjourney 改进了他们的人物刻画和自然语言理解能力,使用户更容易创建表达他们想法的地图。但是,在使用某些句型时,v5 可能不如 v4 有效。但不要担心,因为 Midjourney 一直致力于改进。
Now, let’s talk about the latest version, v5. Midjourney has improved their character portrayal and natural language understanding capabilities, making it even easier for users to create maps that express their ideas. However, v5 may not be as effective as v4 in using certain sentence patterns. But don’t fret, as Midjourney is constantly working on making improvements.

然而,创建地图不仅仅是关键字。 Midjourney 认为,观察和学习优秀的作品是成为优秀地图制作者的关键。这不是关于囤积和收集关键词,而是了解每张地图背后的目的和它讲述的故事。
However, there is more to creating maps than just keywords. Midjourney believes that observation and learning from excellent works is key to becoming a great map maker. It’s not about hoarding and collecting keywords, but rather understanding the purpose behind each map and the story it tells.

除了 Midjourney,bilibili 还是任何对动漫、漫画和游戏 (ACG) 世界感兴趣的人探索的好地方。是中国流行的视频弹幕网站,以实时动画新节目和活跃的ACG氛围为特色。 bilibili 上的 Creative Up 主播会分享他们富有想象力的想法和作品。
In addition to Midjourney, bilibili is a great place to explore for anyone interested in the world of anime, comics, and games (ACG). It’s a popular video barrage website in China that features real-time animation new shows and an active ACG atmosphere. Creative Up hosts on bilibili can be found sharing their imaginative ideas and works.

你还在等什么?拥抱你的创造力,今天就去探索 Midjourney 和 bilibili!
So, what are you waiting for? Embrace your creative side and discover Midjourney and bilibili today!

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