您是否厌倦了寻找符合您想象的完美画作? AI 绘画就是您的不二之选!随着人工智能 (AI) 的最新发展,绘画变得比以往任何时候都更容易获得。 AI画图可以根据你的需求生成图片,让你更安心地找到你要找的东西。但是你如何表达你想要的?答案是关键词。
Are you tired of searching for the perfect painting that matches your imagination? Look no further than AI painting! With the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI), painting has become more accessible than ever before. AI painting can generate pictures according to your demand, making it more comfortable to find exactly what you are looking for. But how do you express what you want? The answer is keywords.
使用AI绘画时,关键字是必不可少的,因为它们可以帮助AI生成符合您想象的图片。流行的关键词包括 Midjourney、SD、Stable Diffusion、DD、Disco Diffusion 等。但是这些关键词是什么意思呢?
Keywords are essential when using AI painting, as they help the AI generate pictures that meet your imagination. The popular keywords include Midjourney, SD, Stable Diffusion, DD, Disco Diffusion, among others. But what do these keywords mean?
中途是指整个绘画过程的中间点。使用此关键字可帮助用户生成既不太暗也不太亮的图片。 SD,即奇异扩散,是指具有清晰轮廓的锐利图像。另一方面,Stable Diffusion(DD)和Disco Diffusion(DD)指的是一种更轻松的绘画风格,图像更柔和。这些关键字已经过验证,可以帮助用户更好地表达诉求,让AI更容易更快地生成图片。
Midjourney refers to the middle point of the overall painting process. Using this keyword helps users generate pictures that are neither too dark nor too bright. SD, or Singular Diffusion, refers to a sharp image with a clear outline. On the other hand, Stable Diffusion(DD) and Disco Diffusion(DD) refer to a more relaxed painting style with a softer image. These keywords have been verified and can help users better express their demands, making it easier for AI to generate pictures faster.
让我们更深入地了解 Midjourney。要正确使用此关键字,用户应在使用它时描述所需的关键字以产生更好的结果。假设用户想要一张具有中等色调天空和稍亮前景的图片。在这种情况下,他们应该使用 Midjourney 来描述他们的需求。
Let’s dive deeper into Midjourney. To use this keyword correctly, users should describe the required keywords when using it to generate better results. Suppose the user wants a picture with a mid-toned sky and slightly lighter foreground. In that case, they should describe their needs by using Midjourney.
最后,AI绘画可以根据用户输入的关键词生成符合想象的图片。通过使用 Midjourney 或其他关键字,AI 绘画可以生成符合您要求的图片,例如明亮的蓝天或更暗、更喜怒无常的森林。 AI绘画让用户的需求更加具体,更容易找到理想的画作。
Lastly, AI painting can generate pictures that meet the imagination according to the keywords entered by the user. By using Midjourney or other keywords, AI painting can produce pictures that match your requirements, such as a bright blue sky or a darker, more moody forest. AI painting allows users to be more specific with their demands, making it easier for them to find the ideal painting.
总之,AI 绘画提供了一种新的、易于使用的方式来创建完美的绘画。通过使用正确的关键字,如 Midjourney、SD 或 DD,用户可以比以往更快地生成符合他们想象的图片。使用时记得描述需要的关键字,以获得更好的效果。你还在等什么?立即开始使用 AI 绘画,释放您内心的艺术家。
In conclusion, AI painting offers a new, easy-to-use way to create the perfect painting. By using the right keywords such as Midjourney, SD, or DD, users can generate pictures that meet their imagination faster than ever before. Remember to describe the required keywords when using it to get better results. So, what are you waiting for? Start using AI painting today and unlock your inner artist.
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