
Have you ever tried AI painting? With the development of technology, AI painting has become more and more popular in recent years. However, for AI painting to improve its accuracy, finding accurate keywords is crucial. In this article, we will introduce you to 8 prompt word platforms that can help improve the accuracy of AI painting, and 4 design microblogs that can provide rich learning resources for design lovers.

1. AI绘画关键词
1. AI Painting Keywords

要制作出准确且具有艺术感的 AI 绘画,找到正确的关键词至关重要。根据研究,良好的关键词选择可以显着提高 AI 绘画的准确性。这里有8个提示词平台,可以帮你找到合适的关键词:
To produce accurate and artistic AI paintings, finding the right keywords is essential. According to research, good keyword selection can significantly improve the accuracy of AI paintings. Here are 8 prompt word platforms that can help you find the right keywords:

1.1. Google Trends:该平台提供实时搜索活动分析,让您可以按地区搜索热门关键词和趋势。
1.1. Google Trends: This platform provides a real-time search activity analysis, allowing you to search for popular keywords and trends by region.

1.2. Keyword Tool: This tool can help you generate a list of relevant keywords based on your seed keywords. The platform also provides a keyword ranking tool to help you analyze the competition of each keyword.

1.3. Soovle:Soovle 是一种搜索引擎,可根据多个搜索引擎(包括 Google、Yahoo、Bing、Amazon 和 Wikipedia)建议热门关键字。您还可以通过选择要使用的搜索引擎来自定义搜索。
1.3. Soovle: Soovle is a search engine that suggests popular keywords based on multiple search engines, including Google, Yahoo, Bing, Amazon, and Wikipedia. You can also customize your search by selecting the search engine you want to use.

1.4. SEMrush:此工具可以分析您的关键字的竞争情况,并提供相关关键字的列表及其搜索量和竞争情况。
1.4. SEMrush: This tool can analyze your keywords’ competition and offer a list of related keywords with their search volumes and competition.

1.5. Answer The Public: This is a visual representation of popular search queries and related keywords based on your original keywords.

1.6. Keyword Planner:这个关键字研究工具提供了每个关键字的搜索量和竞争程度,让您更容易选择最合适的关键字。
1.6. Keyword Planner: This keyword research tool provides the search volume and competition of each keyword, making it easier for you to choose the most suitable keyword.

1.7. Ubersuggest:Ubersuggest 可帮助您生成一长串您可能没有考虑过的不同关键字变体。
1.7. Ubersuggest: Ubersuggest helps you generate a long list of different keyword variants that you might not have considered.

1.8. Ahrefs:Ahrefs 提供了一个完整的关键词分析工具来帮助识别最适合你的 AI 绘画的关键词。
1.8. Ahrefs: Ahrefs provides a complete keyword analysis tool to help identify the keywords that work best for your AI paintings.

2. Methods to Improve the Accuracy of AI Painting

既然我们已经确定了一些有用的提示词平台,那么让我们探索一些提高 AI 绘画准确性的方法:
Now that we have identified some useful prompt word platforms, let’s explore some methods to improve the accuracy of AI painting:

2.1.微调 AI 的超参数:了解模型超参数对于提高 AI 绘画精度至关重要。
2.1. Fine-tuning the AI’s hyperparameters: Understanding the model hyperparameters is critical for improving AI painting accuracy.

2.2.添加更多的训练数据:你拥有的数据越多,你的 AI 绘画就会训练得越好。
2.2. Adding more training data: The more data you have, the better your AI painting will be trained.

2.3. Preprocessing the input images: Image preprocessing aims to remove artifacts in the original image and enhance the image features.

2.4.结合人类反馈:使用人类在环中的方法可以提高 AI 绘画的准确性。人类反馈可以帮助识别偏见并帮助人工智能学习。
2.4. Incorporating Human Feedback: Using a human-in-the-loop approach can improve the accuracy of AI paintings. Human feedback can help identify biases and help the AI learn.

3. 4 设计微博推荐
3. 4 Design Weibo Recommendations

For design lovers who want to learn more about design, here are four recommended Weibo accounts:

3.1.图虫网 [tú chóng wǎng]:这个账号分享视觉灵感和设计,尤其是摄影。
3.1. 图虫网 [tú chóng wǎng]: This account shares visual inspiration and designs, especially for photography.

3.2. 鲁班设计[lǔ bān shè jì]: This account provides design knowledge and skills, offering a range of design tips and tricks.
3.2. 鲁班设计[lǔ bān shè jì]: This account provides design knowledge and skills, offering a range of design tips and tricks.

3.3.虎斑设计[hǔ bān shè jì]:这个账号分享设计灵感和设计相关内容,包括创意标志和平面设计。
3.3. 虎斑设计 [hǔ bān shè jì]: This account shares design inspiration and design-related content, including creative logos and graphic designs.

3.4.爱范儿[ài fàn ér]:这个账号分享全球设计趋势和创新。它还致力于新产品和创意的设计。
3.4. 爱范儿 [ài fàn ér]: This account shares global design trends and innovation. It also dedicates itself to the design of new products and ideas.

4. Design Love Website Introduction

Design love websites are another excellent resource for design lovers. Here are two recommended design love websites:

4.1. Dribbble:Dribbble 是一个设计师社区,他们分享他们的作品和设计灵感。您还可以在设计行业中发现设计工作并建立联系。
4.1. Dribbble: Dribbble is a community of designers who share their works and design inspiration. You can also discover design jobs and build connections in the design industry.

4.2. Behance:Behance 是一个专业的在线平台,供艺术家展示他们的设计和工作经验。它还是工作机会和设计灵感的绝佳资源。
4.2. Behance: Behance is a professional online platform for artists to showcase their designs and work experiences. It also serves as an excellent resource for job opportunities and design inspiration.

5. New Knowledge Daily and Online Learning Resources

新知日报是一个为设计爱好者提供各类学习资源的平台。该平台提供设计教程、设计相关书籍和课程等学习资源。 Skillshare 和 CreativeLive 等其他在线学习资源也很受设计爱好者欢迎。
New Knowledge Daily is a platform that provides various learning resources for design lovers. The platform offers learning resources such as design tutorials, design-related books, and courses. Other online learning resources such as Skillshare and CreativeLive are also popular for design lovers.

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