Midjourney Prompt 是一款由 AI 驱动的绘画关键字生成器,可为希望发挥创造力的艺术家提供无限可能。通过输入关键字或短语,Midjourney Prompt 会生成可以激发绘画灵感的建议提示列表。例如,如果您输入“Summer”,Midjourney Prompt 可能会建议“Beaches”、“Barbeques”、“Fireworks”或“Road Trips”等等。
Midjourney Prompt is an AI-powered painting keyword generator that offers endless possibilities for artists looking to flex their creativity. By inputting a keyword or phrase, Midjourney Prompt generates a list of suggested prompts that can inspire a painting. For example, if you input “Summer”, Midjourney Prompt might suggest “Beaches”, “Barbeques”, “Fireworks”, or “Road Trips”, to name a few.
但 Midjourney Prompt 的辉煌并不止于此。它还提供了可能适合提示的绘画中使用的材料列表。列出的一些材料包括丙烯酸涂料、大理石、皮革、羊毛、竹子和水晶等。通过提供范围广泛的材料,Midjourney Prompt 允许艺术家探索通过纹理和颜色表达自己的新方式。
But the brilliance of Midjourney Prompt doesn’t stop there. It also offers a list of materials to use in your painting that might fit the prompt. Some of the materials listed include acrylic paint, marble, leather, wool, bamboo, and crystal, among others. By providing a wide range of materials, Midjourney Prompt allows artists to explore new ways of expressing themselves through texture and color.
以关键字“森林”为例。 Midjourney Prompt 可能会建议“长满苔藓的小路”、“阳光斑驳的空地”或“空心树”。但它也提供木材、黄麻和羽毛等材料,鼓励艺术家跳出框框思考,并将非常规材料融入他们的作品中。在森林画作中使用羽毛作为叶子可以增添俏皮和异想天开的感觉,而使用黄麻来创造树皮纹理可以为作品带来自然、朴实的感觉。
Take, for instance, the keyword “Forest”. Midjourney Prompt might suggest “Mossy Pathways”, “Sun-Dappled Clearings”, or “Hollow Trees”. But it also offers materials such as wood, jute, and feathers, encouraging artists to think outside the box and incorporate unconventional materials into their work. Using feathers for the leaves in a painting of a forest can add a playful and whimsical touch, while using jute to create the texture of bark can bring a natural, earthy feel to the piece.
Midjourney Prompt 最好的事情之一是它可以帮助艺术家打破创造性的陈规陋习。通过提供随机的提示和材料,艺术家可以挑战自己,走出舒适区,尝试新事物。即使特定的提示或材料一开始看起来并不吸引人,它也可以作为探索不同途径并为绘画带来新生命的起点。
One of the best things about Midjourney Prompt is that it can help artists break out of creative ruts. By providing random prompts and materials, artists can challenge themselves to step out of their comfort zones and try new things. Even if a specific prompt or material doesn’t seem appealing at first, it can be a starting point to explore different avenues and bring new life to a painting.
因此,下次您遇到困难或想为您的作品添加一些趣味时,请尝试使用 Midjourney Prompt。你永远不知道在人工智能和一些非常规材料的帮助下你会创造出什么样的杰作。
So next time you’re feeling stuck or want to add some spice to your artwork, give Midjourney Prompt a try. You never know what kind of masterpiece you might create with the help of AI and some unconventional materials.
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