
人工智能绘画成为近年来的流行趋势,使计算机能够创造出模仿人类创造力的艺术。然而,尽管取得了惊人的成果,AI 绘画仍然有改进的空间,其中一个关键因素是找到合适的关键词。这里有8个提示词平台,可以在这个过程中辅助AI绘画。
AI painting has become a popular trend in recent years, enabling computers to create art that imitates human creativity. However, despite the amazing results, AI painting still has room for improvement, and one of the key factors is finding the right keywords. Here are 8 prompt word platforms that can assist AI painting in this process.

1. OpenAI GPT-3:该平台可以生成类人语言,是人工智能绘画的利器。通过使用模型的预先存在的知识,AI 绘画可以更好地推断如何根据关键字生成正确的内容。
1. OpenAI GPT-3: This platform can generate human-like language, making it a useful tool for AI painting. By using the model’s pre-existing knowledge, AI painting can better infer how to generate the right content based on the keywords.

2. Google AutoML Natural Language:该平台使用机器学习算法帮助文本分类、情感检测和句法分析,为AI绘画提供更准确可靠的关键词。
2. Google AutoML Natural Language: This platform uses machine learning algorithms to help classify text, detect sentiment, and analyze syntax, providing more accurate and reliable keywords for AI painting.

3. Luminoso Compass:该平台利用深度学习对关键词进行映射,可以帮助AI绘画更好地理解文字和概念之间的关系。
3. Luminoso Compass: This platform uses deep learning to map keywords, which can help AI painting better understand the relationship between words and concepts.

4. Amazon Comprehend:该平台使用自然语言处理算法提供对文本含义和上下文的洞察,提高人工智能绘画关键词选择的准确性。
4. Amazon Comprehend: This platform uses natural language processing algorithms to provide insights into the meaning and context of text, improving the accuracy of AI painting’s keyword selection.

5. IBM Watson Language Translator:该平台将文本翻译成60多种语言,可以帮助AI绘画根据关键词探索更多样化的内容。
5. IBM Watson Language Translator: This platform translates text into 60+ languages, which can help AI painting explore more diverse content based on the keywords.

6. MonkeyLearn:该平台提供了一套机器学习模型,可以提取关键词、对文本进行分类、进行情感分析,提炼AI绘画对输入的理解。
6. MonkeyLearn: This platform provides a suite of machine learning models that can extract keywords, classify text, and perform sentiment analysis, refining AI painting’s understanding of the input.

7. NLTK:该平台是一个用于自然语言处理的工具包,提供大量用于分析和操作文本的工具,使 AI 绘画能够处理更复杂的输入。
7. NLTK: This platform is a toolkit for natural language processing that provides numerous tools for analyzing and manipulating text, enabling AI painting to work with more complex input.

8. Word2Vec:该平台利用深度学习将文本转化为向量,可以帮助AI绘画更好地理解单词和概念之间的相似度。
8. Word2Vec: This platform uses deep learning to transform text into vectors, which can help AI painting better understand the similarity between words and concepts.

Besides the prompt word platforms, we also recommend four design Weibo accounts that can provide design lovers with more learning resources, including design love websites and new knowledge daily. These are:

1. @UI设计笔记: This account provides design notes, tutorials, and inspiration for UI designers.
1. @UI设计笔记: This account provides design notes, tutorials, and inspiration for UI designers.

2. @插画师小志: This account showcases beautiful illustrations and shares insights into the creative process of illustrators.

3. @结构师杂志:这个账号收录了来自世界各地的建筑和室内设计项目,为空间设计提供灵感。
3. @结构师杂志: This account features architecture and interior design projects from around the world, providing inspiration for spatial design.

4. @设计宇宙: This account shares design news, interviews with designers, and a variety of design-related content, expanding your horizons about what design can be.


AI painting has great potential for creativity and expression, and by using prompt word platforms and learning resources, we can help AI painting become even more accurate and sophisticated. With the help of these tools, we can better explore the possibilities of this exciting and innovative field of art.

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