
美是永恒的,体现在不同时代和媒介的艺术中。从经典油画到现代数字艺术,我们对美的迷恋始终如一。现在,随着 Midjourney 等 AI 绘画工具的出现,创作精美的艺术品比以往任何时候都更加容易。
Beauty is timeless, captured in art across different eras and mediums. From classic oil paintings to modern digital art, our fascination with beauty remains the same. And now, with the advent of AI painting tools like Midjourney, creating beautiful art is easier than ever.

Midjourney 使用 Midjourney 关键字,这会显着影响 AI 生成图像的结果。在这里,我们展示了十幅美丽的女性肖像,并揭示了十个关键词,以增强她们的绘画风格和细节。
Midjourney works with Midjourney keywords, which can significantly affect the outcome of an AI-generated image. Here, we showcase ten beautiful portraits of women and reveal ten keywords to enhance their painting styles and details.

1.“柔和”——柔和可以使图像具有柔和、朦胧的效果,就像透过雾蒙蒙的镜头看到的一样。 “柔和”可以模糊锐利的边缘,营造出梦幻般的氛围,非常适合浪漫的人像。
1. “Soft” – Softness can give the image a gentle, hazy effect, as if seen through a foggy lens. “Soft” can blur sharp edges and create a dreamy atmosphere, perfect for a romantic portrait.

2. “异想天开” – 使用“异想天开”为您的绘画增添一丝异想天开。凭借其轻松和俏皮的氛围,这个关键字可以为您的工作注入一些乐趣和快乐。
2. “Whimsical” – Add a touch of whimsy to your painting with “Whimsical.” With its light-hearted and playful vibe, this keyword can inject some fun and joy into your work.

3. “Ethereal”——与“Soft”类似,空灵效果可以营造超凡脱俗的氛围。这个关键字非常适合女神或若虫的肖像,因为它可以给图像带来神奇和神秘的感觉。
3. “Ethereal” – Similar to “Soft,” an ethereal effect can create an otherworldly atmosphere. This keyword is perfect for a portrait of a goddess or a nymph, as it can give the image a magical and mystical feel.

4. “大胆”——如果您正在寻找更具戏剧性的东西,“大胆”可以创建引人注目且有影响力的图像。使用此关键字,您可以突出强大的功能并创建对比,从而使绘画脱颖而出。
4. “Bold” – If you’re looking for something more dramatic, “Bold” can create striking and impactful images. With this keyword, you can accentuate powerful features and create contrast, resulting in a painting that stands out from the crowd.

5. “Mysterious” – Mysteriousness can add an air of intrigue to your painting. A touch of “Mysterious” can create an enigmatic presence, drawing viewers in with wonder and curiosity.

6.“魅力四射”- 魅力可以将您的绘画提升到新的高度。凭借其浮华和魅力,这个关键词可以创造出时尚别致的肖像,散发出自信和成熟。
6. “Glamorous” – Glamour can elevate your painting to new heights. With its glitz and glamour, this keyword can create a stylish and chic portrait that exudes confidence and sophistication.

7. “Nostalgic” – A touch of “Nostalgic” can bring about sentimental feelings of the past. With its vintage vibe and warm tones, this keyword is ideal for a portrait that evokes fond memories and emotions.

8. "富豪" – "富豪"肖像散发着力量和庄严,非常适合描绘皇室或上流社会人士。丰富的色彩和宏大的定位,这个关键字可以让你的画看起来雄伟而威风。
8. “Regal” – A “Regal” portrait exudes power and grandeur, perfect for depicting royalty or high-class individuals. With its rich colors and grandiose positioning, this keyword can make your painting look majestic and awe-inspiring.

9. “Romantic” – Romance is a timeless theme in art, and “Romantic” captures it in all its essence. With its soft tones and tender expressions, this keyword can create a painting that oozes love and affection.

10. “Elegant” – Finally, “Elegant” is a keyword that can make your painting look sophisticated and refined. With its clean lines and graceful poses, this keyword is ideal for depicting art that exudes elegance and poise.

为了说明 Midjourney 关键词如何增强一幅画的整体吸引力,我们看一下水中美女的画作。有了“柔和”和“飘渺”,这幅画呈现出梦幻般的质感,仿佛女人漂浮在云端。 “怀旧”增添了一丝复古的温暖,而“大胆”则突出了她强大的功能。这些关键词结合起来构成了一幅令人惊叹的画作,以其迷人的光环吸引着观众。
To illustrate how Midjourney keywords can enhance a painting’s overall appeal, we look at the painting of a beautiful woman in the water. With “Soft” and “Ethereal,” the painting takes on a dreamy quality, as if the woman is floating on a cloud. “Nostalgic” adds a touch of vintage warmth, while “Bold” accentuates her powerful features. Combined, these keywords make for a stunning painting that draws viewers in with its enchanting aura.

总之,Midjourney 及其关键词 Midjourney 是艺术界的游戏规则改变者。凭借他们添加独特风格和细节的能力,他们为艺术家提供了创作出脱颖而出的精美杰作的工具。
In conclusion, Midjourney and its Midjourney keywords are a game-changer in the art world. With their ability to add unique styles and details, they give artists the tools to create beautiful masterpieces that stand out from the crowd.

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