加入对话! 如何查找和加入电报组
Join the Conversation! How to Find and Join Telegram Groups
Telegram 是一款流行的消息传递应用程序,用户不仅可以聊天,还可以加入各种群组,在群组中他们可以与他人讨论和分享不同主题的信息。 这些群体可以分为两类; 私人和公共团体。
每个人都可以访问公共群组,只需搜索它们即可加入。 另一方面,私人群组需要邀请或管理员批准才能加入。
找到公共群组的一种方法是使用 Telegram 官方网站,该网站提供了推荐频道和关键字列表供用户探索。 要访问 Telegram 官方网站,请打开您的移动浏览器并搜索它。
进入 Telegram 官方网站后,您会发现各种类别的频道,例如技术、新闻、娱乐等。如果您对特定类别感兴趣,请单击它以查看可用的组。 单击您要加入的特定组,然后单击频道名称右侧的箭头。 接下来,单击订阅,频道将在 Telegram 中打开。
要加入群组,只需单击“加入”按钮即可。 您也可以直接使用关键字搜索组。 该网站将显示与您的搜索相匹配的推荐电报组列表。 单击任何组以查看其主页。
除了官方 Telegram 网站外,还有一些非官方网站根据技术、商业、教育等不同类别推荐 Telegram 群组。这些网站不隶属于 Telegram,但有助于寻找新群组加入。
总之,Telegram 为用户提供了一个极好的平台,可以让他们加入不同的群组并与志同道合的其他人联系。 用户可以通过 Telegram 官方网站或第三方网站根据不同类别提供推荐来探索新的群组。 加入 Telegram 群组非常简单,只需点击几下即可完成。
Telegram is a popular messaging app that not only enables users to chat but also join various groups where they can discuss and share information on different topics with others. These groups can be categorized into two types; private and public groups.
Public groups are accessible to everyone and can be joined just by searching for them. On the other hand, private groups require invitations or admin approval for to join.
One way to find public groups is by using the official Telegram website, which provides a list of recommended channels and keywords for users to explore. To access the official Telegram website, open your mobile browser and search for it.
Once you are on the official Telegram website, you will find various categories of channels, such as Technology, News, Entertainment, etc. If you are interested in a particular category, click on it to see the groups available. Click on the specific group you would like to join, and then click on the arrow on the right side of the channel name. Next, click Subscribe, and the channel will open in Telegram.
To join a group, simply click on the “Join” button. You can also search for groups directly by using keywords. The website will show a list of recommended Telegram groups that match your search. Click on any group to view its homepage.
Apart from the official Telegram website, there are also unofficial websites that recommend Telegram groups based on different categories such as technology, business, education, etc. These sites are not affiliated with Telegram but are useful for finding new groups to join.
In conclusion, Telegram provides an excellent platform for users to join different groups and connect with others who share similar interests. Users can explore new groups by using the official Telegram website or third-party websites that provide recommendations based on different categories. Joining a Telegram group is easy and can be done with just a few clicks.
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